Interview with a Player: Jill

Say hello to an amazing Seeker: Jill!

Hello, nice to meet you all, my name is Jill. I’m from the United States and I’ve been playing Seekers Notes for more than two years plus. In the game, I like to, of course, play the MP with my team. On the weekends, we chat and just play our regular game and talk about the storyline. I like the ancient cards puzzle. 
I am an artist at heart. Metalsmithing, drawing, painting sculpture. I like to make things from junk I find :-) I also love music, so I’m torn between the two interests but there’s time for everything if you make it. I purchased the iPad, and ipencil specifically to learn digital art… another tool, for my hobbies. 

Here’s a tip for fellow Seekers: be patient don’t rush, slow down and enjoy your game. enjoy the time you spend with other players learning about people from other countries … celebrate your differences. diversity keeps the world interesting. I turn off the music and leave the sound effects. The game is designed with wonderful special effects and the sound is amazing. The game designers have gone to great lengths, creating, beautiful artwork, special effects, and HD stereo sound for us. Don’t let it go to waste.

And here’s a question for them: Do you interact with people from other GUILDS? 
YES! I have actually turned online friends - into real-life friends :-) sometimes we meet for pizza! I now have friends all over the world -France, England, Holland, Greece, as well as all over the United States.

And quick questions:    

1) What are you looking forward to during the fall?
Halloween is my favorite season. It’s Halloween every day for me, a chance to dress up and pretend. I love to decorate the house and watch the children come by! l intentionally, and specifically decorate to get them to ask questions. To pique their curiosity! That’s why I love this game… You can be anything you want to be!     

2) What is your favorite thing to eat during hot weather? 
I am an ice cruncher!
What about during cold weather? -
The same, crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch! LOL      

3) What is your current obsession?
My wife and I started a project six months ago. One of the neighborhood cats had six kittens. Another stray kitten joined the group as it was an orphan. We set ourselves to the task of getting them spayed and neutered chipped and ready to find homes, fostering so to speak.
Of course, we fell in love with all of them but we will still do the right thing and try to find them homes. We have a promise…! One kitty will go to college! We will take our time and find these lovely kittens -> a better home than the street.
It has been a labor of love. It’s also been very educational learning how to find affordable healthcare for animals. A lot of work and we have to be flexible because the kennel is the in the living room! So seekers, send positive energy, a wish for a “forever home” for-Rocky, Precious, Daniel Tiger, Peewee, Sweetpea, Tiny, — soon to be Milo at college! The + 1! We call her SEVEN (from Stranger Things:-)     

4) Who is your favorite character in Seekers Notes? 
Zeppelini and the Inventor. + I love all of the creatures and the guardians, especially the little dragons! 

Thank you, Jill, for participating in our interview! It was wonderful getting to know you! 

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